Panasonic G100 experience

Picked up a brand new one for a stupid price. Less than $500 Au. Cool little camera. Very much like. Yeah, it has no IBIS, and a slow sync speed. But put a nice lens on it, and it takes a beautiful photo. It’s really well made as far as I can tell, has excellent autofocus, and a lovely EVF.
Anyway, here’s a few shots of of it. The pictures tell the story. I think.


Okay then. One photo at a time

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I do like playing with an ultra wide.

Thumbs up from me


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Nice car show and images

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Thanks. Couldn’t reply earlier as I seemed to be part limited. A bit strange for a new forum trying to promote activity, but anyway.

If you are experiencing any issues replying, please DM me and I’ll look into it. Discourse (that’s the name of the forum software!) defaults govern most of the settings in this forum right now, but I can override any problematic ones!

It goes all right with a cheap and cheerful zoom lens too.
Some examples out of my PZ 45-175


I think it was just the forum privilege system for new users. All seems to be working as expected now. All good -I think

The G100 makes a fabulous little walk around/travel/general use camera body. Throw something like the 12-32 pancake on it, and it’s tiny yet capable. If you’re like me, and love faster prime lenses, it’s even more so. For the price I paid for mine, I just about think of it as disposable, so have no hesitations in dragging it around with me near everywhere.

It (the G100) wouldn’t necessarily be my first choice for action shooting, but it acquits itself quite well I think. Sure there are better cameras for that style of shooting, but the camera is far from helpless


The G100 is a nice camera for stills, I like it a lot. Originally I bought it as a “spare” in case my GM5 gave up the ghost but in reality it’s no substitute for the GM5 (not pocketable) but an ideal small, lightweight “in-between” body to use instead of my GX9 when weight is all-important. I don’t miss IBIS on this nor the GM5, and of course the image quality is exactly the same as the GX9.

So it didn’t turn out the way I expected to be using it but I certainly don’t regret buying it. Absolute bargain.

“small, lightweight “in-between” body to use instead of my GX9 when weight is all-important”
Really ? 412g vs 450g (Compact Camera Size), that extra 38g must really drag you down.

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