Panasonic G100 experience

The G100 is widely despised by forumtographers it seems. DPreview had a lot to answer for here I feel. When its only “crime” is lack of IBIS. And perhaps the slow max mechanical shutter speed. I find that fast primes, or OIS lenses such as my Lumix 12-35 f2.8 mkII sort that out. It even goes all right with my PL 50-200 f2.8-4 and 1.4 teleconverter :grin:

No, my G100 weighs 357g with battery, body cap and a wrist strap. My GX9 weighs 466g in the same condition,. The difference is noticeable.

Ummmmmm, no. Mine with a small selection of some of the nicest lenses I could wish for.


Apologies, as I said I took the weights from Compact Camera Size - you can’t trust anyone. Over 100g would certainly make a difference.

No problem, Bob. Compact Camera Size is great for looking at sizes but their weights are often wrong and this is just one example. I don’t know if their sizes are reliable either (the numbers I mean) but I just look at the pictures :slight_smile:

Sometimes, this site is better than the old Camera Size site…

That link has the OM-1 already added, but you can change and add to suit…


thats an awesome site, much better than camera size.

When did Sony start making m4/3 cameras?

was looking at the camera size site the the previous poster linked. maybe you dont get it, it compares camera sizes :thinking:

Oh, I get it loud and clear. The ugly side of DPreview rolls into town

Thanks for that link, it is indeed better both visually and functionally and it actually has the G100 weight correct at 352g.

Unfortunately it also has the GX9 weight wrong at 412g, so I certainly wouldn’t trust its numbers any more than other comparison sites.

Looks like you have already rolled in.

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Beautifully restored 750/4

Ring ding ding ding ding. The smell is spectacular

Was keeping an eye out for Wile E for a while, never spotted him.

And a random. Or two

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Yeah, the weights are ll over, no matter the site. They either have weight with no battery, or with battery, and a lot of times they don’t state. I’d think that every camera body weight should include a battery and card in the value. Or, they just don’t know where they came up with the weight.

Like DPR has the GX9 as 450 grams (including batteries), but BH Photo has the weight as 292 grams and the package weight as 0.62 pounds

Whatever you say, River photography. The only person you’re fooling is yourself. Lol.

Everyone knows who i am, best part is i can now post under my original name of 15 years without tom and the nanny mods. :slight_smile:

Exactly. The leopard can’t change its spots can it. The ugly goes right to the bone.

I dont understand your last post. for the record ive never been banned i was advised to change my name twice by the staff at DPR including conversations with Richard and also asked to delete all my gallery images because of my following and switching to FF would cause a lot of angst.

Go play your stupid juvenile trolling games back in the DPreview G100 thread, & stop pretending it was all accidental here. Like I wrote, I understand what you’re doing, & I’ll call you out on it.

i guess your paranoia will be solved on this m43 only forum. you better hope all the other 2 system members see the same as you . but i doubt it.

. “are you here with the solution or are you part of the problem”