*** Through Your Eyes *** April 1 - 15, 2023

The somewhat Weekly-ish Image thread - a very good thing.
Greetings to everyone on the ‘Pale Blue Dot’ !
Let’s put up images, no restrictions on camera/format/topic - but something which is intriguing, interesting and more than a snapshot, is a good thing.
No particular time frame for when the image was taken or represents, just what comes to your Minds Eye.
I won’t add all the verbage regarding posting and ettiquete, which can come later… we all know what applies.
For future, I’m not a good candidate for the weekly role - I disappear often for many days at a time, especially as we get out of winter…
But for Now, let’s see what you see.
‘Migrated’ from DPR… and I’m hoping someone can take the reins on a weekly basis…

Spring, is many things. It’s certainly a great time to get on the bike.
… but then there’s never a bad time to get on the bike… time which adds to your life span, not taking away…
Spring on the Ellwood Mesa

Ride On,

Today (Sunday)

Panasonic GX9+Olympus 12-45/4@20mm, 1/1250@f/5.6 ISO 200


GM1 + Leica 25 using in camera B&W mode


I’ve driven past here plenty of times, finally stopped, jumped the electric fence, and short a couple of frames


I’ve never seen a fox so thicc. But a breathtakingly beautiful evening visit - I was literally holding my breath when he/she looked directly at me…


WOW, great images! Fox are so… Ghostly… at least the ones I have seen, have always disappeared in a blink of an eye. If I catch a glimpse before they get in ‘cover’, I feel blessed. LOL! Maybe I ‘stink’ too much ? LOL!

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