Obligatory 1st post of model with ColorChecker Passport

A straight out of camera JPEG from E-M1X and 40-150mm f/2.8 Pro lens to get a feel of this site and posting images here. No editing was made to the image nor to its SOC size.

Best to all.


Added later, this site took the full size SOC image of 3888 x 5184 and 10.5 MB (11,069,776 bytes) in size and scaled it down to 1920 wide which I guess I will use in future images to downsize for the scale to fit here and save on file size too.

Hmmm, it looks like this site automatically strips EXIF data as well. That and the automatic downsizing are a bit disappointing. The image quality otherwise seems to be OK, though I can’t compare this to the original.

Yes, seems it does strip a lot of EXIF data. Loaded same uploaded JPG image into EXIF Tool and it showed all info and more like altitude, temperature and stuff the E-M1X records into its files.

Growing pains no doubt.

We need a sticky post about the max image size (new site having a limit seems right, so they can scale size and not get over the limit if everything is full size).

But it shouldn’t strip the EXIF so that should be looked in to…