I Might as well start the first Bird Talk on this new forum!

OM-1, blue tit

Blue tit


Purple Sandpipers on the HumberCalidris maritima. OM1/150-400.


I like the composition!

Thanks Bob. When a bird’s toddled on to an interesting ‘stage’ it would be a shame not make use of it! :blush:

Lark Sparrow
Rarely seen these days. Thankfully we have plenty of ‘meadow’ and vernal pools, when we have some rain. They like to hang in open space with some brush cover.
I usually only get to see one a couple times a year, up on our Ellwood Mesa. And it’s usually in the morning, when their song catches your attention.
It isn’t often when one decides you’re not a ‘danger’ and lets you close enough to get their image.
A crazy song, with ‘jazz’. https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Lark_Sparrow/sounds#

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A Dartford Warbler from today at Thursley Common. A bit far off so more of an ‘environmental portrait’. Anyway, it was the only one I saw so was lucky to come away with anything.


Blue tit
OM-1, M.40-150mm F2.8 + MC-20

Blue tit


Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)


Open question: should we keep this going as one thread? Or are we fine with sharing new bird photos also in new threads?

What should be the etiquette people prefer?

I would prefer more separate threads rather than just one giant one tbh.

Start a new one.
Tell us a little about how they were captured too. :slight_smile:


For me, distinct categories for sharing photos like Birds, Other Wildlife, Landscape, Street, Sports, Flowers, etc., make it easier to find threads I’m interested in.


@david5833 agree, there should be specific threads would be good.

@stephen agree, a little more info about the bird. location, and gear would be cool.

@Jamajuel its totally up to you :slight_smile:

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I like that this forum can be read easily as a “flat” forum with all threads visible. But we could also just use tags to make threads easily discoverable. Or even ads separate categories

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There always seems a ‘medium’ place, in everything. Where it’s not too big, nor too small - too hot nor too cold. IMO it’s true for ‘threads’ also.
Separate threads for every image - TOOO Small ! TOO Busy!
Threads of many, many images and comments TOOOOO Long! especially when you’re read partial and need to find where you stopped…
Why not a Fresh Thread every wk or 2 ? so start a thread for a noted ‘period’. Then another can be started for the period following… and so on…
If threads become too long, then shorten the period for each…
Threads which contain images of the subject they’re about - birds, flowers, landscapes… are wonderful. Once a thread for birds becomes about ‘thread mechanics’, not so much fun.
…back to birds

Kildeer with Chick


Blue tit

OM-1, M.40-150mm F2.8 + MC-20
ƒ/5.6, 300.0 mm, 1/2000, ISO 1250


I was about to say Hi then found you deleted the post.
Well Hi anyway. :slight_smile:

nice one, looks so very curious.

Picked up a Canon EF-S 55-250 STM today, and on the way home saw these common mergansers. Shot from my car, heavy crop…


oh nice one, sharp as hell.

Yes, hi Trevor!