Froglets -- Natures miniatures

A miracle of nature, tadpoles become froglets, and then grow up to be frogs.
This pair had just recently morphed from swimming, water dwelling infants to walking, climbing, air breathing juvenile frogs.
The pair in the pic are approx 20mm, nose to tail.
When adult they will be about 75mm nose/tail.

Known as the Green and Gold Bell frog, native to Australia, but also resident in NZ.

(E-M1 III, 100-400mm at 400mm)


Wow, it’s hard to even imagine frogs so tiny.

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Here are some :slight_smile: (first post!)


Wow, they are really small.

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@ 3dpan
Are you sure these are the Green & Gold Bell frog? If so, you are very lucky. As you know, they are a rare and endangered species. Being juveniles, it’s hard to tell, but the adults have faun (so called gold) blotches on their backs. The froglets of a number of green tree frogs look similar. The commonest around where we are is the Leaf Green Tree Frog (Litoria phyllochroa) sometimes called the Green Stream Frog. This is what they look like:


Thanks for that pic Bob, but it has a different head shape from the ones I see here.

Here is an extract from the NZ Herpetological Society,
" Conservation status
In New Zealand, the green and golden bell frog is listed as “Introduced and Naturalised” under DOC’s threat classification system, having rapidly spread through most of the northern North Island following its introduction in the 1860s. In contrast, the species has been listed as “Endangered” in its native range of south-eastern Australia, having seen dramatic declines since about the 1960s. "

And here is one of my pics. These are typical of the frogs I see here,

And a more recent pic, a close-up from a few months ago,


Thanks for that. I must admit, I’ve never seen one and the images I see vary quite a lot. It’s amazing you have a thriving population over in NZ. I’m sure no one here in Oz is aware of that. It’s never mentioned. Here it’s almost the poster child of the extinction rebellion. I recall having to modify a major project because some were found near a leaky watermain on the site. Property developers are in fear of finding them :rofl:

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