First new PEN-F 2 rumor

according to OM Digital does not intend to stick to the existing camera lines.

They have admitted that the PEN-F is very popular in Japan, as well as in some European countries.

The logical conclusion is that OM Digital is considering or even working on a PEN-F successor.

OM Digital does not publish and declines to comment on the road map for camera bodies.


Promises, promises.
Make it weather sealed and I’m all in.


usb-c connection and power as well as pdaf for me (I do some birding)


And I just want a tilting screen. I hope the customer base isn’t so divided on what their must-have features are that this can’t be a viable product.


Honestly, if either Panasonic or OM were to release an updated rangefinder body it’s going to sell like crazy since it’s been so long since one was released.



Yeah, it’s been a long time for sure!

Weather sealed and the menu format from the OM-1 and I’m in. Totally.
And if they release a 17mm f/1.8 with weather sealing too, OMGoodness…

Hey, look what I just wrote… OMG (OM Goodness)
Hello OM Systems marketing people…


I always thought it was a pity that Olympus never provided an internet compatible way of sharing Pen-F colour profiles. It is possible to import the colour profile from the exif information of an image however due to the way most (or all I know) websites and forums work when uploading an image (reencoding and stripping the exif info) , this is not a viable way to build a “colour profile store”.

Obviously I would also like to be able to use the same colour profiles in camera and in OM Workspace.

The existing OM Workspace batch file format can easily be shared and OMDS only needs to provide a way to import these into the camera.

This is something I would like to see not only on the Pen-F 2 but all OMDS bodies.

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Color profiles, modification of them, and sharing is pretty cool, and Nikon has it. They even have an app for your PC/Mac for modifying, adding, saving. Makes the Zfc a bit more fun to use. Not the same as Pen-F, but different. For some, better.

We handled a Nikon Zfc however we found that it did not give us not even close to the equivalent joy of the full frame Nikon FM2 nor the Oly Pen-F. That said (somehow had to use the E word :wink: ) the color app of Nikon did not go unnoticed. Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to go to a “camera app store” and be able to download a scene mode, art filter or a color profile (“film simulation”).

If the Z fc had the rangefinder style viewfinder it would be better. More controls at the ready however. I find it totally different handling. Not worse, different.

But if OM did a refresh on the Pen-F and sent a version 2 to the masses, it should have modifiable, and shareable picture styles with an app, or build into OM Workspace. That could make it more appealing to some.


Put a decent set of old film simulations into it, add wifi for easy Instagram load, bundle it with a fast wide / normal lens (17mm 1.8?) and it would be a Fuji X100V killer.


Only if it is weather sealed…

I’ve been saying all along when the E-M5 III successor was first mooted, that we needed an OM PEN-F or an OM-PL10. What did we get? An OM-5 which is nothing more than an E-M5 IV.

The OM-1 and OM-5 can already export their settings (either all or just custom) to OI.Share, where they can easily be shared. So presumably any newer camera could do this as well.

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I’d be quite happy if the PEN-F II is basically an EM5 III or OM5 in a PEN-F body… add real film simulations and for my purposes, I’d sell off all my other bodies.


I enjoy my PEN-F but I do wish it had tilting screen. Would be great if they could have a screen like the Canon G7X Mark II has – a tilting screen that tilts up, down, and can also flip up. The Lumix GF line has almost the same execution BUT cannot tilt down.

Picture Styles and MySet settings are not the same thing.