Wow… I’ve photographed leaf beetles In flagrante delicto on numerous occasions, but it’s never looked quite like this!
hahahah love it… and the ref to Sir Mix a Lot
Yesterday (May 20th) was World Bee Day, so in honor of the occasion…
sweat bee on a buttercup
small carpenter bee on a dandelion
sweat bee on an aster
I was attempting to photograph a very small weevil, when this fairly large hoverfly showed up. I was using the Canon EF-S 55-250 STM + Raynox DCR-250.
Fascinating looking critter , I had a look at naturespot and they are not so common up here { Scotland } . I don’t recall ever seeing one but will keep a look out definitely a sheep in wolf’s clothing
I was examining some trefoil near a parking lot, and came across this beautiful little leafcutter bee. It flew away after a few seconds - rather patient, actually - and I followed for a second round of photos. After another few seconds it flew away again, and this time I let it be.
Thanks Jim. There are not that uncommon down here in Hampshire.
More leafcutter bees - I think the first one is a European wool carder, the second and third might be oblong wool carders.
Panny 12-60 + 10mm ext tube + Raynox DCR-250; according to the calculators over at Cambridge in Colour, the total maximum magnification of that combo is 1.17x.
Black scavenger fly, taken with the Canon 55-250 STM + Raynox DCR-250. It was a windy day, which made shooting such a tiny creature difficult, but I don’t ever recall seeing one before. Plus, a buttercup makes a lovely background. I think I took around 200 snaps.