First Astro Photo

Taken last July at the height of Milky Way season.


Very nice. I didn’t know there was a season for Milky Way shots. You learn something every day.


Hi Mike! Yes, there is a Milky Way season and that’s generally when the central core is visible. For those in the northern hemisphere, that’s roughly April - October each year. Right now, it’s an early am outing if you want to shoot the core, but by July, it’s visible by 10pm.

Great image. Where was it captured?

Very nice! Can you tell something about how you shot it? Haven’t looked at the exif yet, but camera/lens/shutter speed etc.?

This was taken at the Paint Mines Interpretive Park about 45 minutes from Colorado Springs, CO.

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This was a single shot image, no tracking, stacking, or blending. Shot with my old E-M10 Mark II, Oly 12mm. Exif was: f/2.5, 10s, ISO 6400.

Thanks for the details.