DPReview is closing down on April 10th

Here’s their announcement:

Dear readers,

After nearly 25 years of operation, DPReview will be closing in the near future. This difficult decision is part of the annual operating plan review that our parent company shared earlier this year.

The site will remain active until April 10, and the editorial team is still working on reviews and looking forward to delivering some of our best-ever content.

Everyone on our staff was a reader and fan of DPReview before working here, and we’re grateful for the communities that formed around the site.

Thank you for your support over the years, and we hope you’ll join us in the coming weeks as we celebrate this journey.


Scott Everett
General Manager - DPReview.com

This is truly a sad development. Feel free to respond and share your thoughts on the demise of DPReview.

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Yea, sad news but good you make this!

Truly sad, I sort of drifted away over time, but it was a resource that i always knew was there. Glad that this has been started. I wonder if we can import all the reviews done by DPR over time on all the cameras. Mightbe good to have.

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Thanks to whomever created this new platform. As Doctor Spock would say, ‘live long, and prosper’.

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Very sad news. I’ve been going to DPR for 20 years or so, although I’ve never commented in any of the forums.

But… thank you for creating micro43.org! This is the first m4/3 forum I’ve joined since moving to the system. :grinning:


Photos take a lot of bandwidth and storage… I can’t imagine how much of either DPreview was using, must have been ‘Large’… LOL!
Do you have a ‘limit’ on either?
I’m here, so the Qs are mainly to participate within a framework that proves to be managable.

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No limits established yet, we’ll play it by ear. Hopefully the site will be able to scale gracefully.


thank you for creating micro43.org.

If you feel like going an extra mile: dpforums.org seems to be free. There are other non m43 dpreview users looking for a new home. If you replicate the forum directory structure of dpreview and ask the admins if they would like to join, that should ease the transition.


Not sure where comments to the ‘Admin’ should best go…
I truly LIKE that current structure (or ‘un-needed’ excess of structure) !!!
one thing which had me going to DPR more than other forums, is the ALL-in-One structure of the M43 sub-forum… equipment, Photos, Oly or Pany threads all in one place, chrono-order.
Many of the other available sites separate out Oly, Pany, Bodies, Lenses, Adapted, Photos by brand, model, genre… ad-infinitum…
Sometimes i’m interested in a Pany lens, sometimes a ‘bird’ photo, sometimes something else.
Please leave the forum as ‘general’ as possible. means more eyes on more topics, and more ‘activity’.
I know some like to pigeon-hole. I very much prefer to ‘browse’ and graze in many pastures.


Sad to see DPReview closing down, but am glad to come over here. Looking forward to continuing the learning and sharing experiences with everyone here!


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I’d have to second this thought. If it’s too much workload on you, it would be nice to maybe see the various fields of photography forums (landscape & travel, nature & wildlife, Astro, U/W, etc) from DPR replicated here. I pretty much split my time between the MFT and the specialty forums.


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Not sure where comments to the ‘Admin’ should best go…

Here is fine, there’s also a Site Feedback category. Not planning on adding zillions of categories, I think threads should be discoverable and easy to find. Plan is to leave things reasonably general, and use tags where appropriate to aid in discovery, rather than having tons of subforums.


I think I’ll be fine here… very comfy :slightly_smiling_face: