Announcement: Image uploading improvements, EXIF data support

Hello community! Hope you’re all doing well.

I have an important announcement about image uploading. It should now be possible to upload images in their original high resolution, as I’ve disabled the default setting that force-resizes them down to a max resolution of 1,920 pixels in width. Also, our Discourse instance has now been instructed not to remove EXIF image metadata. (Happily, there’s a setting for that!) So, be aware that if you upload a photo here, the metadata won’t be stripped by M43 Talk. You need to do that first if you don’t want metadata in your image. If you do want it, our forum will keep it intact, and you don’t need to do anything.


If no Discourse plugin exists yet to display the exif data this should be easy to implement: GitHub - MikeKovarik/exifr: 📷 The fastest and most versatile JS EXIF reading library.

Should you need help please don’t hesitate to ask.


Wow! You really are on the ball.

Thanks for taking on the herculean task of getting this thing going!


This is just to see how the EXIF data look…

I don’t see the EXIF. How do you see it?

I have an exif viewer (Exify) installed in my browser (Firefox).


Thanks, but I can view my own EXIF in several ways, I just wanted to see how this forum would handle it since @m43talkadmin announced it would be available here.

We don’t have an EXIF viewer yet, what I did was activate a setting that is supposed to stop EXIF data from being stripped from images. So, if you download a posted image, EXIF data ought to be viewable. Implementing an EXIF viewer will require more work than flipping a switch, but it’s on my roadmap.

I have browsed through the available plugins for Discourse and there appears to be neither an exif viewer nor a gallery viewer. Implementing an EXIF viewer plugin will require some coding and implementing a dpreview style gallery viewer plugin will require more coding. Do you feel comfortable doing that?

For Exify for Chrome works nicely for Chrome.


Thanks for the suggestion. Just installed it and it works well. :slight_smile:

Added to chrome and waterfox, works nicely! :+1:

I use Firefox. I added the Exif viewer. I can right click on a photo, and down at the bottom of the list is View Exif Data, which opens a window with all the info on the image. Nice!

Works very well thank you. :+1: