Affinity Photo 2 in OM Systems Workspace as Registered Application

Affinity Photo 2 is now a Windows App.

The good news is that Photo 2 can stay running and “Launch registered application” will switch the images.

The other news is that Photo 2 is a Windows App now. Adding Photo 2 to Workspace as “Registered Application” is not quite as straight forward as with legacy .exe applications.

Here’s how to do it:

Method 1

  1. Open the “Run” dialog box using the Win + R key combination.
  2. Type the command shell:AppsFolder, and hit “Enter” to open the Windows Apps folder.
  3. Right-click on Affinity Photo 2 and click “Create shortcut”. You will be offered to create shortcut on the desktop. Do it.
  4. Right-click on Affinity Photo 2 and click “Copy as path”.
  5. Paste (ctrl-v) the path into the “other” text field of the Registered Application dialog.
  6. Enjoy!

Method 2

  1. make a batchfile named affinityphoto2.bat:
@start /b affinityphoto2.exe %1
  1. Right-click on affinityphoto2.bat and click “Copy as path”.
  2. Paste (ctrl-v) the path into the “other” text field of the Registered Application dialog.
  3. Enjoy!
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