About the Site Feedback category

Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.

Thanks for setting this up. Any thought given to having forums (topics) separated by manufacture (Olympus/OM System and Panasonic), Lenses, etc.?

Discourse provides for the opportunity to create Categories and Tags, so could set up either manufacturer tags or categories.

Sounds like categories would be your preference?

Well, if I understand the differences yes, categories. Something like the separate forums under DPReview.

Please no. Do a search on the DPreview forum while it’s still possible. This has been discussed ad nauseam over and over again, and the conclusion always was to keep things together. There are a lot of MFT users who mix and match brands. Where do you post when you have a problem using a Panasonic lens on an Olympus body??


Well, you could post it on either an Olympus body category or a Panasonic lens category. I’m sure that with a descriptive post title, it shouldn’t be too difficult to discern how to help someone.

But, it that takes to much thinking how about just separating bodies from Lenses? Something like “m43 Bodies” and “m43 Lenses”. That seems to have worked well on DPReview for Nikon/Canon and it would save folks time if they simply want to browse the latest lens (or body) discussions.

Also, the mu-43 group has been using separate Panasonic and Olympus groups for some time and apparently successfully. Another idea would be to look at the way the UK Olympus E-group (e-group.uk.net) has theirs set up. They have a category (or forum) for Micro Four Thirds and then many sub-forums, one for each camera. A person can post in the high level forum if they have a question that would not be specific to a particular camera. And there again, its seems to be working.

But no matter, it will ultimately depend on how active this site becomes. If its gets very large, having just one category with 10’s of thousands of posts could become messy. If it stays small, then it doesn’t matter I guess.

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As a long term lurker on Dpreview (back to the days of the E300 and E1) I did try to set up an account there but soon gave up to the amount of hoops you had to jump through! Took 5mins to complete it here.
A very big thank you for setting this site up so quickly.

You’re welcome, glad you’re here!

Love the Solarised Light mode, pretty much what I set all my e-readers to use. I must try the equivalent s.Dark mode and see what I think of it!